Thursday, October 29, 2009


I am learning to be content with what I have, whether it is a full bank account, a full refrigerator, and joyful children, or a rather lean account, a very budgeted fridge and kids that are cranky and needy and keeping me from doing anything.

I am learning to be content today that God has given the vision He desires us to follow for the future. And I am learning to be content with the unknown, undecided and unfinished.

My husband does not have a job, nor has he been able to get one. Our financial support as missionaries ends this month. We are beginning a church with no team of helpers in place—something we did not expect to do.

But today we have enough in the bank to pay our bills. Today I have food for my family. Today we do not have a need for someone to run PowerPoint or help serve in kids ministry. Today, He has given us our daily bread. And with this I am content and thankful.

Lord, please take the fear out of my heart about the future. Thank you for your provision TODAY.