Tuesday, February 14, 2012


These are cows.  They graze in the pasture across the street from my grocery store.  (The meat in that store is really...fresh, if you know what I mean!)  The little calf on the right side, away from the herd, was right by the fence, little head stuck through the barbed wire, eating grass on--you guessed it--the other side.

It was hanging out with three other little calves, them being friends and all, and just munching away.  When the big, scary human with the cell phone camera (that's why the pic is so grainy) came up, they all squeaked (I had no idea cows could do that, but they did) and ran off to mommy.  

Whew!  All that to say, what I was hoping to capture was a pic of a cow eating grass on the other side of the fence.  Because we all know that grass is yummier. I mean, it's just green and juicy and delicious. Nothing like that wiry, brown stuff  that little calf usually has to eat.  

I was realizing today that I've bought into a lie.  That I feel like the grass is greener...elsewhere.  The where I often see in movies and tv.  You know, where money is mysteriously unlimited, and the residents of really beautiful and hip homes wear amazing clothing and live on lattes that they drink all day long with their friends at designer coffee bars.  

Now, I have to admit that at one point my life, in a very small way, resembled that.  I was able to buy clothing when I wanted it and hang out until midnight with my friends at coffee shops. It seemed that there was always someone to hang out with and something to do.  

But that was before I got married.  And worked full time.  And had 2 babies.  And now my husband works more than full time, I work full time at home to feed my food allergic family, and homeschool my kids.  I can't afford the clothes or the coffee, and after changing countries and states, I don't have the friends to hang out with even if I could.

And sometimes, as I grump my way through a day feeling sorry for myself as I wash, launder, fix and mend, I wish I was that person again.  With the time and the cash and the friends.

I've bought a lie.  That life wasn't better.  I was stressed.  I was immature.  I wasn't helping, serving or loving anyone other than myself.  

"When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things." (1 Corinthians 13:11) 

I used to be a child.  Now I am a woman.  It's time to put that away, pick up maturity and live with joy the life laid out before me.